[ Notice ]


Privacy Policy

Regarding the Handling of User Information

Personal information kept by Art Tower Mito (ATM) is maintained and managed in an appropriate way, and is not used for any other reason than the original purpose, in accordance with the laws of Japan and the regulations of the Mito Arts Foundation dealing with the protection of personal information.

Copyright Information

All the information published on the Web site of Art Tower Mito (ATM) - text, photographs, illustrations, etc. - is copyrighted. In addition, the entire site is considered an edited copyrighted work, and as such is protected by both Japanese copyright laws and international treaties.

It is not permitted, without previous consent, to duplicate, republish, or divert (transfer) the contents of the site, except for reproduction and quotation for personal use, as recognized by copyright law.

For those wishing to use the contents of the site beyond the range of personal use, it is necessary to get prior approval and permission from the Mito Arts Foundation, which runs the site.

In some cases, you may be required to pay a fee.

Information about Links to ATM's Web Site

Although anyone may freely make links to ATM's Web site, we ask that you pay heed to the following considerations:

1. As a rule, only make links to the site's top page: http://www.arttowermito.or.jp/

(1) If you want to make a link to another location on the site besides the top page, we ask that you contact the Executive Office of Mito Arts Foundation beforehand (see below).

(2) It is not allowed to make links to individual files making up an article on the site, such as individual photographs and the like.

(3) Regarding copyright-related matters, please read the section above.

2. If you do want to make a link to ATM's site from another site, please inform us. Depending on the nature of your site, we may ask that you delete the link

Disclaimer Information

Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information published on the ATM Web site, we cannot accept any responsibility for any action that a user of the site makes when using the site's information.

We also cannot accept any responsibility for any harm or damage suffered by a user of the site on account of having accessed the site.

Information on the ATM Web site may be changed or deleted without warning at any time. No warning of such changes will be made, either, except for cases deemed important by the director of the Mito Arts Foundation. We ask for your understanding about this point.

Please contact the administration office of the Foundation for further details, as follows:

Administration office, Mito Arts Foundation

1-6-8 Gokencho, Mito-shi, Ibaraki-ken 310-0063 Japan
TEL (029) 227-8111
FAX (029) 227-8110